Highway Safety



School Crossing Guard Don'ts - Click Here

School Crossing Guard Review Form - Click Here


Bike Rodeo Trailer

The Kentucky Crime Prevention Coalition maintains a Bike Rodeo Trailer that can be loaned to law enforcement agencies for use in school and community programs. The trailer contains bicycles, helmets and traffic cones. We also have a manual available on how to plan a Bike Rodeo event.

Free Brochures - "Parenting: Make it a safety feature on your car".
Go to
http://www.safetyfeature.org/materials.htm for an online order form.




Buckle Up Stencil

Students from East Jessamine High School use the Buckle Up Stencil to spread a message to fellow students. To borrow the stencil for use in your community contact the KCPC Office at 859-727-2678

A Comprehensive Approach to Teen Driver Safety
NHTSA has developed a three-tiered strategy to prevent motor-vehicle-related deaths and injuries for teens: increasing seat belt use, implementing graduated driver licensing, and reducing teens' access to alcohol.

Click here for Link

We may make past editions of the newsletter available for download.